How SearchEssentials Supports Speed and Inclusivity in Executive Hiring

How SearchEssentials Supports Speed and Inclusivity in Executive Hiring

SearchEssentials is introductions as a service, designed to quickly connect you to executives who meet your specific criteria. It also supports your DEI goals. Unlike a search firm, we have no relationships with the candidates we reach out to for open roles. But we do have a network of over a million candidates to tap for opportunities at AboveBoard and Jopwell, plus search-firm level research expertise. 

This unique differentiator gives us access to executive talent from underepresented backgrounds who might otherwise be excluded from searches conducted at more traditional firms with primarily relationship-based networks. 

Our process introduces you to 5 candidates over an expedited 10-week timeline–whether you use us for market mapping, network growth, or to accelerate your search strategy. As an added bonus for inclusive hiring, by using SearchEssentials, you automatically eliminate the time crunch that leads to unconscious bias.

For example, if you have a large talent pool of more than 100 people and need to narrow that down to 1-2 candidate recommendations in the next hour, you’ll likely fall prey to unconscious bias to help you eliminate individuals, losing out on perfectly qualified talent in the name of expediency. The SearchEssentials team presents a few candidates per week with a comprehensive overview of their career background, skills, and a perspective on how well these align with your organization’s hiring needs. 

They focus on sourcing candidates based on the agreed upon criteria only, which expands your talent pool and helps reduce funnel drop off between the sourcing and interview stages–a notorious sticking point for many organizations. 

While it’s a hard balance to strike between supporting inclusive executive hiring at your organization and filling roles with the best talent quickly, SearchEssentials is a resource for executive talent leaders interested in accomplishing both.