Board Advisors for a $10B+ AUM PE firm's network

Board Advisors for a $10B+ AUM PE firm's network

Talent partners are deeply invested in the success of the portfolio companies they support and because of this, are often pulled in a million different directions. For those managing dozens of portfolio companies, it can feel like a big game of whack-a-mole trying to knock out the most time-sensitive requests.

A talent partner at a private equity firm with $10B+ AUM and 100 portfolio companies recently found themselves in this exact situation: A portfolio company needed support with an urgent hire and the talent partner could not help.

Luckily, they knew about SearchEssentials and reached out to get the role filled fast on behalf of their portfolio company.

The portco was a healthcare startup that had grown from 10 physical locations to 90 at a rapid clip. Their team needed a program director to continue scaling operations who had experience in healthcare, consulting, and data analysis. 

The talent partner realized that their executive network wasn’t deep enough to provide more than a few referrals, so they called in backup. 

SearchEssentials came on board and, after one kickoff call, established a target company list and got to work engaging with qualified individuals. The team screened 14 prospective candidates and ultimately provided 6 candidate introductions for the hiring leader in just eight weeks, with several candidates progressing to the final in-person interview stage. 

This more than doubled their talent pool of prospective candidates, allowing the team to feel confident with their final hiring decision.

The startup saw their talent partner as a hero for helping them land the hire, and the talent partner saved hours by avoiding direct involvement with the day-to-day search logistics.

Our SearchEssentials team kept both the talent partner and hiring team informed with weekly status updates so they were always in the loop with the latest information. The ease and speed with which they landed the program director was a completely new experience for both parties.

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